by chibbert | May 24, 2018
Nursery Rhymes A compendium of traditional nursery rhymes for the US and UK market. I was commissioned by Parragon to scamp out the layouts to guide the illustrators to create new and fresh images for each rhyme. Once the illustrators provided finished artwork I then...
by chibbert | May 24, 2018
Sydney City Trails This was a freelance project commissioned by Dynamo Publishing for their client Lonely Planet. It is part of a series of travel fun fact guides featuring the antics of Marco and Amelia. The book is split up into different themed trails that the...
by chibbert | May 24, 2018
Creative Bookazines These were a series of creative titles designed for a longer shelf life on the newsstand. Each one focussed on a niche creative market such as fantasy illustration, 3D graphics, creative business advice or web design skills. The above examples in...
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